Narxoz University

Narxoz University was founded in 1963 in an era of grandiose plans, large-scale reforms, and great achievements. Following the spirit of the times, the progress of the University was rapid — only a few years passed from the Foundation to the all-Union recognition. The university became the Alma-Mater for several generations of successful economists, financiers, managers, and businessmen. Having won respect and recognition at the earliest stage of its existence, after half a century, the University adheres to high standards of work and strives for new outstanding achievements. 
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55, Zhandossov street, Almaty, 050035, Kazakhstan

Why choose this university for an exchange semester?

Through Narxoz University's involvement in prestigious global rankings processes, the university moves towards its strategy to build global capacity and advance institutional impact globally.    
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All students in need of housing will be accommodated in one of three hostels. The dormitory buildings are located next to the educational buildings.  
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