University of Regina

"The University of Regina (U of R) has campuses located in Regina and Saskatoon on Treaty 4 and Treaty 6 territories. These are the ancestral lands of the Nehiyawak, Anihsinapek, Dakota, Lakota, Nakoda, and the homeland of the Michif/Metis Nation. A comprehensive university, the U of R traces its roots back to the creation of Regina College, a small residential high school established by the Methodist church in 1911. The College grew in size and significance becoming a campus of the University of Saskatchewan and ultimately, an independent degree granting university, the University of Regina in 1974."


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Why choose this university for an exchange semester?

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Must be enrolled as full-time students while on exchange (3-5 classes). We generally recommend students take 3 or 4 classes as 5 classes is considered very demanding.


Students can contact Housing Services directly to book accommodation.  
Information about the different residences can be found here

Cost of living

Accommodation: $2240 - $4990/term.
Meal: $900 - $3700/academic year
Costs may vary, For more information, please contact the host university.