Building Internationalisation in Pakistan

On 9th May 2022, the OIA in collaboration with the Embassy of France in Pakistan conducted a day-long event titled “Building Internationalisation in Pakistan”. The event started with the formal inauguration of the Centre for Internationalisation, held at the LUMS library. Opening remarks were conveyed by Dr. Furrukh A. Khan, Director of the OIA, and Ms. Anna Dukes, Head of Global Outreach & Operations at Car-diff Metropolitan University, followed by keynotes of Dr. Arshad Ahmad, LUMS Vice Chancellor, and Ms. Sabine Vermillard, Higher Education Attaché at the Embassy of France in Pakistan.
The event proceeded with a panel discussion in the Centre for Internationalisation on the topic “Conducting research between Europe and Pakistan“ moderated by Ms. Sabine Vermillard. With Mr. Guillaume Beaud, PhD student at Sciences Po, Dr. Asma Faiz, Assistant Professor at MGSHSS, and Prof. Mohammad Waseem, Visiting Faculty at MGSHSS, the panel combined years of experience in research collaboration between France and Pakistan.
The discussion proved to be fruitful and productive, starting with Mr. Beaud’s views on the challenges faced whilst researching in Pakistan as a French citizen, followed by Dr. Faiz’s take on the matter from a Pakistani perspective. A common theme discussed by both speakers was the institutional and political barriers causing asymmetric information for French students learning about Pakistan and vice versa. In light of this, Prof. Mohammad Waseem introduced a research project between LUMS and Sciences Po under the PERIDOT research program to the audience. He pointed out the increasing need for such collaborations, as a means of bolstering scientific cooperation between European and Pakistani Higher Education Institutions.
Finally, the Alliance Francaise concluded the day with a night screening of the movie “Les 2 Alfred/French tech” in the Central Courtyard of the Academic Block. It was a very lighthearted way to end an otherwise intellectually stimulating and productive day! As a bonus, free food and drinks were offered to everyone.